Earth Day: Make a Difference

bp1In celebration of  Earth  Day here are a few reference sites and simple actions you can take within your home to help detox our local environments in a few mindful steps. 

Photo: A ladybug in flight spreads its wings as it flutters from grass blade to grass blade at Rooks Park in Walla Walla, Wash. on April 2, 2012. (Jeff Horner/Walla Walla Union-Bulletin/Associated Press 

 Garage:  replace poisonous windshield wiper fluid with a make-it-yourself solution by combining seven cups of distilled water, one-half cup isopropyl alcohol and one-half teaspoon eco-dishwashing liquid.  Properly dispose of old wiper fluid at a hazardous waste centers:  The Centers are located in West Dade at 8831 NW 58th Street, and in South Dade at 23707 SW 97th Avenue Gate-B.Normal hours of operation are Wednesday through Sunday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The centers are available to non-commercial residents only.  Dade County has a population of 2,300,000 plus (DMV).  If only half of the population has a car and  each replaces their wiper-fluid (est. 2quarts), we would eliminate 575,000 gallons of toxic fluid from our Dade County run-off waters each year.

Chemical air fresheners:  Remove bad odors instead of covering them up, said Crissy Trask, founder of and author of “It’s Easy Being Green: Handbook  for Earth-Friendly Living.  “In a University of California study, chemical air fresheners were found to have higher concentrations of polluting volatile organic compounds (VOC) than any other household cleaning product.  Long-term exposure to some VOC”s have been linked with adverse health effects, she concluded.  .


Know what you can do for the planet , Sheryl DiCarlo 305.332.3256

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