Whitefly attacks South Florida Ficus

our_tree__home_of_yeye_final1.JPGCurrently Miami Beach is experiencing a whitefly epidemic which is attacking our ficus trees and destroying them in record time…

The pesky culprit supposedly hitched a ride here via a barge and started way south and now has already reached Miami Beach, ravaging ficus in its path..

12ft ficus hedges on some streets have been totally wiped out…

The good news is you can protect your ficus from infestation or potentially save them with a product from Bayer that you can get from Home Depot.

Bayer: Systemic tree and & shrub insect control concentrate. Following instructions, dilute the concentrate with water and pour it into the pot, as if you were watering. It is supposed to be good for 12 months, but the experts say repeat in 6 months…Also, Bayer recommends for trees that are already well under attack to buy the Dual Action Rose and Flower Insect Killer.

If you are in need of more serious, emergency care word is that Kelly @ curbappeal 305-308-0151 has access to something much stronger which he can inject directly into the roots of the plants…

Spread the word to save the ficus, before the flies spread to your neighbourhood!

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