Coral Gables Short Sales

Below you will find a list of short sales in Coral Gables. The total short sale inventory in the Gables is $ 27,372,899 with an average list price of $265 per square foot. Five short sales have closed this year with an average sale price per square foot of $270. This price per square foot would put a 2,000 square foot house at $540,000.  However this number  is very general and does not take into account different assets that a home can posses such as water-frontage, location, condition etc. For more information on any of these homes or to schedule a private showing please contact us at 305.329.7728



Address List Price
220 LEUCADENDRA DR 4,999,999
9001 BANYAN DR 4,480,000
165 E SUNRISE AV 1,839,000
1503 ALBERCA ST 1,085,000
1010 COUNTRY 975,000
601 VILABELLA AV 875,000
921 MALAGA AV 798,000
2522 INDIAN MOUND TR 650,000
611 BIRD RD. 650,000
4395 INGRAHAM HY 650,000
3620 PALMARITO ST 625,000
919 COTORRO AV 599,000
1029 OBISPO AV 570,000
525 LUENGA AV 549,000
1428 SARRIA AV 520,000
1711 SEGOVIA ST 459,000
1540 PALANCIA AV 450,000
704 MINORCA AV 449,000
515 ALTARA AV 449,000
1420 SANTA CRUZ AV 449,000
915 FERDINAND ST 430,000
1003 FERDINAND ST 425,000
1717 CORTEZ ST 425,000
1318 EL RADO ST 418,000
200 GRANT DR 400,000
1222 EL RADO ST 395,000
1118 MILAN AV 375,000
435 GIRALDA AV 365,000
3021 COCONUT GROVE DR 350,000
1221 LA MANCHA AV 335,000
1570 SOPERA AV 329,900
4710 W INGRAHAM TE 319,000
53 ALCANTARRA AV 255,000
708 BOABADILLA ST 235,000
903 RED RD 195,000
 TOTAL: 27,372,899


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