A New Beginning

It’s a new year, and so we set our goals, make our resolutions and begin anew.  Then we go along throughout the months, and we get sidetracked.  Life gets us down.  People lie to us or tell us we’re not good enough or that they don’t love us or the project disintegrates or we become ill or we lose everything that we thought we had.  We fail.  BUT…..the cool thing is that we have the opportunity to begin again.  We could call it January 1st or it could be the Chinese New Year or it could be the new moon of each month or it could be Rosh Hashanah or it could be the day that the sun moves in Aires for the beginning of the solar horoscope.  It could be the first day of spring or your birthday.  It could be the first day of the month or the first day of the week.  It could be 12:01 AM.  It could even be when we cut our hair or buy a new pair of shoes or when we get our new house.  In actuality it could be this very moment that you are reading this blog.

Please join with me and the brave, brave people of Haiti and begin again.  This is our first moment to look at the world as if it and ourselves were new, seeing things for the first time and knowing in the deep core of our being that the past does not equal the future and that we can accomplish all of our dreams.  All we have to do is to commit to that first step to BEGIN ANEW, but the real beauty is we can do this any moment of the year again and again.


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