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The Reasons Your House Isn't Selling and What You Can Do about It (Part 1)

The Reasons Your House Isn’t Selling and What You Can Do about It

(Part 1)No Curb Appeal

By Kristin Brown-Orr

Selling a home can be a daunting undertaking, and while you may be helpless to control the state of the market or the number of prospective buyers in your price range, here are a few ways to be proactive against some of sellers’ most common pitfalls:

Problem: Competition. Are there too many homes for sale in your price range? If there are too many options open to buyers in your market, you may not see as many showings as you’d like.

What You Can Do: Unfortunately, the state of the market in your neighborhood or town is pretty much beyond your control. You’ll need to think about how you can make your home a more attractive sale, either by lowering your price or providing attractive terms of sale.

Problem: Your asking price is too high. It’s stating the obvious, but if your asking price is too high, you’ll price yourself right out of a lot of

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Sun Sentinel West Broward Get Homes . . . May 6, 2012

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Sun Sentinel East Broward Get Homes . . . May 6, 2012

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Islander News May 3, 2012

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