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Homestead Estate

Exquisitely remodeled 1930 Coral Rock Estate pristinely situated on a 5 ½ acre Avocado and Mango Grove. Main House features Gourmet Kitchen, Stunning stone Fireplace, spacious Master Suite with Steam Shower and Jacuzzi Tub, and Children’s Play Room. Provide your

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices EWM Realty Logo

West Broward Properties For Sale… Take A Look!

“the ewm page” in The Sun Sentinel West 6.5.11 [issuu viewmode=presentation showflipbtn=true documentid=110603193418-23c4a670f27c4a628d4e40c8f68d3d63 docname=sswest6-05-11 username=ewmrealtors loadinginfotext=%22the%20ewm%20page%22%20in%20The%20Sun%20Sentinel%20West%206.5.11 showhtmllink=true tag=ewm width=420 height=440 unit=px] Scroll, click on property images & view information!

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East Broward Properties For Sale . . . . . . .

“the ewm page” in Sun Sentinel East 6.5.11 [issuu viewmode=presentation showflipbtn=true documentid=110603192834-4bc62c62d3804b1fa669e503242de0c3 docname=sseast6-2-11 username=ewmrealtors loadinginfotext=%22the%20ewm%20page%22%20in%20Sun%20Sentinel%20East%206.5.11 showhtmllink=true tag=ewm width=420 height=440 unit=px] Scroll, click on property images & view information!

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A lifestyle in Key Biscayne

The Islander News 6.2.11 [issuu viewmode=presentation showflipbtn=true documentid=110603192542-4e2885d1c24e400193fb06df0f82c2aa docname=isandernews6-2-11 username=ewmrealtors loadinginfotext=the%20ewm%20page%20in%20The%20Islander%20News%206.2.11 showhtmllink=true tag=ewm width=420 height=650 unit=px] Scroll, click on property images & view information.

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West Broward Properties ….Take A Look

Sun Sentinel West Page 2 …….6.5.11 [issuu viewmode=presentation showflipbtn=true documentid=110603191941-8cbf1ec39a3a49c7b4d83fa56822a51d docname=sswesthalf6-5-11 username=ewmrealtors loadinginfotext=Sun%20Sentinel%20West%20Page%202%20….6.05.11 showhtmllink=true tag=ewm width=420 height=440 unit=px] Scroll, click on property images & view information!

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“the ewm page” as seen in the Miami Herald on 06.05.11

[issuu viewmode=presentation documentid=110602175042-ee5c380934f340e588368afd8e84b020 docname=thw_ewm_page_06.05.11 username=ewmrealtors loadinginfotext=%22the%20ewm%20page%22%20for%2006.05.11 width=420 height=865 unit=px] Click on property photo for more information.